13 research outputs found

    Efektifitas Pelatihan Self Management sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Self Regulated Learning Siswa Kelas VII MTs Sunan Ampel Pare

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    This research aims to validate of self-management training as to improve self-regulate learning achievement for students of  VII grade in MTs SA Pare. Self regulated learning is to access of schooling result achievement, to self-organizing in learning and managing ability of environment conducive schooling; Afterwards, Self management are a set of principles that accomodated of self-monitoring, self-reward, self-contracting, stimulus control for improving students skills in schooling by training. Model of this research is true experiments. For the population choosed from regularly class VII grades student of program; then for sample choosed by properly sampling that is for the students who have low self regulated learning category. It has explored 18 students divided into control group and experimental group by random. For data analysing technique using two ways ANOVA (Two way ANOVA) by using software SPSS version 20. Based on the analysis results, the class who already given and not given self-management training is significantly different, the average self-regulated learning of students who already trained are higher than students who are not traine

    Peran Bimbingan dan Konseling di Madrasah: Pendalaman Kasus Sistem Bidang Psikologi Pendidikan

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    Educational – Psychology is one part of the Psychology and it is an application of Educational – psychology Science.  In the Islamic school, the jobs and role of education psychologist are handed by the School Counselor. One of the junior high school in Pare often finds cases dealing with the students’ discipline. These cases mostly handed by the homeroom teacher, vice headmaster and headmaster. So far the cases found are dealing with the disciple while other cases haven’t handled maximally. The unhandled cases bring problems for the school especially the system of Islamic school. The objective of the research is to comprehend more about the existing cases by applying psychology assessment process. This process is about to apply deeper observation and interview. In other side, the role of counselor is found not maximum. As the intervention of the problem, the researcher applies the followings: 1. set a module of counseling, 2. propose a counselor, 3. create a job analysis for the counselor. The set of intervention has been done. Although the change is not maximal, the activity has been ended. However, the result is a recommendation to be followed up by the Islamic schoo

    Bimbingan Kelompok Pada Pengurus Organisasi Siswa

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    Guidance and counseling services is an integral part (integral) of the entire educational program to find personal, recognize the environment, group work, and future planning. IPNU-IPPNU student organization at MTs Sunan Ampel Pare he newly formed still focus arrange administration and a work program that is still very simple. Stewardship is still not effective, still waiting for orders from teachers and not yet independent, madrasah has given place, and ready to provide funds, but students can not use it. As an educational psychologist, researchers do deepening of group cases in the madrasah through a psychological assessment process. To follow up on these issues, created the design of interventions in the form of group counseling activities with the theme capacity buildin

    Pengaruh Pengajaran Kitab Ta’limul Muta’allim Terhadap Perilaku Tadzim Peserta Didik

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    This study is an attempt to determine whether there is an effect of teaching the Book of Ta'limul Muta'allim on the ta'dzim attitudes of class X-I TKJ SMK Darul Ulum Rebalas Grati Pasuruan. The research method used a quantitative descriptive approach with a total population of 157 students and a sample size of 36 students. The data were analyzed using a percentage formula and a simple linear regression formula. The results showed that the teaching of the Book of Ta'limul Muta'allim influenced the attitudes of students' ta'dzim, especially in cultivating respect for others, teachers, friends, parents, glorifying books and other moral values to be used as a basis for studying

    Intervensi Psikologi Dalam Penanganan Kasus Underchiever

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    Anak yang berprestasi rendah dibandingkan tingkat kecerdasan yang dimilikinya disebut dengan underachievement. Dalam penyelesaian kasus ini, dilakukan asesmen untuk pengambilan keputusan tentang pengetahuan dan kemampuan subjek. Asesmen yang digunakan diantaranya adalah: wawancara, observasi, tes psikologi (BINET dan grafis). Setelah diperoleh data, maka inilah perilaku yang diklasifikasikan akan dikurangi dan ditingkatkan. Adapun perilaku yang akan dikurangi yaitu keluar dari bangku saat proses balajar-mengajar, bersuara keras saat proses belajar-mengajar, dan mendapatkan uang saat akan atau setelah melakukan hal yang baik. Sedangkan perilaku yang akan ditingkatkan yaitu mengerjakan tugas secara mandiri dengan tuntas, membawa buku sesuai jadwal, dan melakukan sesuatu yang baik tanpa imbalan uang. Adapun intervensi yang dilakukan yaitu: konseling individual, token ekonomi, aversif, dan positif parenting skill. Berdasarkan hasil intervensi yang dilakukan, Subjek telah mengalami perubahan yang positif. Evaluasi intervensi dilakukan guna mendapatkan informasi penilaian. Efektif tidaknya intervensi tersebut dalam penanganan kasus underchiever menjadi materi penting untuk program tindak lanjut dan  acuan penanganan kasus yang serupa. Program intervensi dalam penanganan kasus underchiever ini telah selesai, untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal perlu adanya dukungan dan partisipasi yang baik dari berbagai pihak. Termasuk untuk melaksanakan saran-saran yang diajukan guna mendapatkan hasil intervensi yang maksimal dalam penanganan kasus underchieve

    Sikap Remaja di Media Sosial Instagram saat Musim Pandemi Covid 19

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    Media sosial bukan hanya menjadi kebutuhan masyarakat saat ini, akan tetapi sudah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan masyarakat dari usia muda hingga lanjut usia. Remaja menjadi salah satu pengguna aktif dalam media sosial seperti instagram. Berbagai penelitian berfokus untuk meneliti tentang media sosial instagram. Adapun dalam penelitian ini, peneliti bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana sikap remaja di media sosial instagram pada musim pandemic Covid 19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan analisis pendekatan fenomenologi dan teori tindakan sosial. Diketahui bahwa  sikap merupakan  bagian dari proses pembelajaran yang berasal dari interaksi dan persepsi. Hasil dari penelitian ini, peneliti mengungkapkan sikap remaja di media sosial instagram pada musim pandemic covid 19 untuk remaja laki-laki cenderung ke arah positif sedangkan untuk remaja perempuan cenderung ke arah negatif. Berdasarkan self interest, identifikasi sosial, dan relevansi nilai yang ditujukkan dalam media sosial, remaja laki-laki berfokus dengan menunjukkan bakat dan minatnya, sedangkan remaja perempuan berfokus pada meniru tokoh idola seperti artis dan selebgram

    Psychological Well-Being pada Santri Ngrowot Di PP. Haji Ya’qub Lirboyo Kota Kediri

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    Islamic boarding schools do not only play a role in transferring religious knowledge, reconstructing character but also purifying the heart. This positive spirit needs to be explored by students through implementation to actualize themselves both physically and mentally. Students are also familiar with the practices and mindstreem traditions, including the traditions found in the Pondok Pesantren Haji Ya’qub (PPHY), which is named Ngrowot. Seeing the tradition of Ngrowot from the perspective of psychological well-being is very urgent because generally, people today assume that welll being is more to be a hedonic lifestyle. This study aims to examine the psychological well-being of Ngrowot implementation of the students at the Pondok Pesantren Haji Ya’qub (PPHY) which still exist although it is being a minority with demands and restrictions on eating the rice. Data obtained through interviews and observations then analyzed by using Islamic psychological theory and psychological well-being from Ryff. The results showed that there are four motives drive students in practicing Ngrowot: ; 1) ‘ulumiyyah, 2)‘amaliyyah, 3) dzuriyyah, and 4) maliyyah. Students who apply Ngrowot in PPHY have good psychological well-being with positive psychological function that is fulfilled. The implementation of Ngrowot shows the role of mental/ psychological processing in achieving life goals and finding psychological well-being which is a reflection of the religiosity and eudemonics welll-being concepts. So, Ngrowot can be a method of increasing psychological well-being based on cultural and Islamic-base

    Hubungan forgiveness dengan psychological well-being pada mahasiswa baru Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

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    INDONESIA: Sudah menjadi kodrat manusia sebagai makhluk individu juga mahkluk sosial. Untuk itu, hubungan sosial menjadi penting bagi setiap manusia. Akan tetapi, tidak menutup kemungkinan hubungan dengan orang lain akan menimbulkan konflik. Hal tersebut tergantung pada individu dalam menyikapi dan menangani konflik tersebut. Data awal diperoleh bahwa setelah terjadinya pelanggaran, responden tidak bisa bersikap seperti sebelumnya. Walaupun mereka sudah berusaha memberikan maaf atau bahkan telah memaafkan, tetapi masih sering muncul pikiran-pikiran yang mengingatkan kejadian tersebut dan membuat hati tidak tenang, bahkan muncul keinginan untuk melihat orang yang telah menyakitinya merasakan hal yang sama atau bahkan lebih. Hal tersebut membuktikan bahwa memaafkan hanya sebatas verbal, tidak ada keinginan untuk memperbaiki hubungan yang bahkan berdampak pada terganggunya kesejahteraan psikologis. Mengacu latar diatas, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjawab rumusan masalah. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui tingkat forgiveness, mengetahui tingkat psychological well-being, dan untuk membuktikan adanya hubungan forgiveness dengan psychological well-being pada mahasiswa baru Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif korelasional. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 399 dari 1983 mahasiswa baru Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang angkatan 2011 dan pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen penelitian berupa skala untuk masing-masing variabel dan wawancara. Analisis data menggunakan analisa norma, analisa prosentase, dan analisa korelasi product moment dari Pearson. Uji validitas serta realibilitas memakai Alpha Cronbach. Pengolahan data tersebut diolah dengan menggunakan komputer program Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) 16.0 for windows. Berdasarkan analisa penelitian, diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut: Pada variabel forgiveness, yakni 51.6% (175 mahasiswa baru) dengan kategori tinggi, 45.1% (153 mahasiswa baru) dengan kategori sedang, dan 3.2% (11 mahasiswa baru) dengan kategori rendah. Sedangkan pada varibel psychological well-being, yakni 61.9% (210 mahasiswa baru) dengan kategori tinggi, 37.2% (126 mahasiswa baru) dengan kategori sedang, dan 0.9% (3 mahasiswa baru) dengan kategori rendah. Pada hasil analisa uji hipotesis diperoleh hubungan signifikan yakni rxy = 0.154 dengan Sig = 0.005, dimana probabilitas < 0.05, ini artinya terdapat hubungan yang signifikan positif antara keduanya. Dengan demikian, hipotesis yang diajukan terbukti kebenarannya. ENGLISH: It has become a natural of human being that they are as human of individual but also social. So that, social relationship become necessary for each every human being. However, the relationship with others may create conflict. It depends on the individual in solving and handling the conflict. The data is early obtained said that after collision happen, responder (new student) cannot behave as before. Although collision they have tried to forgive or even have forgiven, but that collision related the collision appeared and disturb the vietim. Even there will be a desire to see the collision doer fell same thing or even more. That prove that forgiving is limited or just verbaly, said is there no desire to improve the relationship which may affect into unnormally psychological prosperity. Related to background above, the problem whith will be is discussed and answered in this research that are the level of forgiveness, and the level of new student’s psycgological well-being at the Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang in specially generation 2011, and also the correlation betwen of new student’s forgiveness and new student’s psychological well-being at the Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang in specially generation 2011. This research method is designed is quantitative approach of correlation. Research sampel is 399 taken from 1983 of the new at the Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang in specially generation 2011. Data collection the use research instrument in the form of scale to the each interview and variable. Data analysis use the correlation of product moment by Pearson. Validity and realibilitas test use Alpha Cronbach. The data processing is computer program that is Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) 16.0 for windows. Based on the analisys research, the result are: at the ofvariable forgiveness, the are 51.6% (175 new student) is in high category, 45.1% (153 new student) is in middle category, and 3.2% (11 new student) is in low category. While at varibel psychological well-being, 61.9% (210 new student) is in high category, 37.2% (126 new student) is in middle category, and 0.9% (3 new student) is in low category. Based on the hypotesis test result, it is obtained the significant correlation rxy = 0.154 with Sig = 0.005, while the probability < 0.05. it means that there are positive correlation of both variable. Thereby, proven raised hypothesis is its truth

    Dakwah Grup Musik Sholawat Metal di Pondok Pesantren Metal Tobat; Perspektif Psikologi

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    Today's media in preaching is not only through lectures and recitations. Various ways are used by preachers to invite people to goodness, one of which is through music. Da'wah is still very minimally researched and the discussion is still warm. This study discusses the impact of the da'wah of the Sholmet music group from the perspective of music psychology. Data will be collected and processed according to qualitative research methods by extracting data through interviews, observations, and documentation. After the data is collected, the data is processed by data reduction analysis, data presentation, and verification. Then check the validity of the data by using the triangulation method. The results showed that the sholawat music he brought was a reminder to keep chanting sholawat at all times, as advice or a reminder of goodness, and develop oneself into a skill. Psychology describes the stimulus-response (SR) process as part of communication that can function as a way of modifying a person's behavior. Music is considered as an expression of emotion. By listening to certain music, a person can experience mood swings

    Tipe Pola Asuh Orang tua Dengan Anak Temper Tantrum Di Di SDI Al-Huda Kota Kediri

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    Parents have an important role in the development of children, especially emotional development.&nbsp; Often parents are tested for the presence of emotional disorders of the child. For example, explosive emotions are often referred to as temper tantrums.&nbsp; This study aims to find out the type of parenting pattern, temper tantrum behaviour in children, and the influence of parenting patterns on the temper tantrum of children in grade 2 SDI Al-Huda Kediri City. This quantitative study involved 50 subjects. The data was obtained from questionnaires and analyzed using simple linear regression. The results showed that parenting patterns had a significant influence on the child's tantrum temper